30 January 2011

Competitor Radio Interview with THE TERMINATOR

January 29

This is the link from ITunes to get to the Competitor Radio podcasts.
I just listened to the interview I did with them on my ride today and can now say it came out OK!
Babbitt and Huddle have a great show and I listen to every single interview they do.
The one with Clayton Treska was absolutely brilliant.  I was in the bike rack right next to his in Kona in October.  He's the first living Terminal case (diagnosed as such) that I've ever met and he's a big unit!  Damn impressive dude.

The two other podcasts I listen to regularly are:  a) Aussie radio personalities Hamish and Andy who always crack me up and b) IMTalk - Christchurch's own John Newsom and Bevan James Eyles.

Cheers, Scott
