23 January 2007

When Men Were Men

The Tourmalet
In 1910, the Tour riders rode a 289km stage from Perpignan to Luchon over the cols de Port, Portet d’Aspet, Ares, then a mammoth stage from Luchon to Bayonne of 326km. Crossing the Peyresourde, Aspin, Tourmalet, Soulor and Aubisque. On roads that are no better than tracks for donkeys and packhorses, worn by use, the surface strewn with stones and fallen rocks, perilous at every point. Treacherous in the descents, narrow, pitted with ruts and potholes and deep hollows gouged by logs dragged by foresters’ mules, choking with dust in dry conditions, awash with mud in the wet. Add-in the ever-present threat of hungry wild bears on the prowl, this imposing ring of cols, Peyresourde to Aubisque, came to be known as the ‘Circle of Death’.

This is an excerpt from Rouleur magazine (which is an incredible magazine by the way).

I thought this was appropriate as we digest Epic '07.
These guys took the Tour on as it was presented because it was presented.
They didn't know if they could do it but most of them ended up doing it just fine.
You never know what you're capable of until you try.