Epic Camp Canada 2014 Day 3
Epic Camp Canada 2014 Day 3
August 21
Lillooet - Clinton
First a few notes from yesterday that I forgot or mistakes.
There's only one Andrew here - Andrew Charles. The young guy I mentioned is Adam, not Andrew (Charles).
Charlsey's not young and probably won't be in the fight for an aquathon or KOM title on this camp........
Young Andrew is a Stanford Grad - Electrical engineering. Smart dude. Single too, so you single girls out there don't let his spectacles put you off asking him out.
Shannon was 5th up that mountain yesterday - did I mention that?? Something's not right there and I'm going to find out how she f... did and it get the truth out! HA!
So onwards. Seems like its been a week already.
Started with a swim in a lake (Seaton) that was bliss. Clean as any lake you've ever been in surrounded by towering cliffs that looked to be around 6-8,000ft. up. Big lake too. Some folks did 6km, I did 3 which went by pretty quick. With GPS watches its hard to cheat anymore.
Then some sensible pricks got their runs done but i just couldn't face it so soon in the day after such a nice swim - didn't want to bring myself down!
Gary got an honourable mention for doing only 7km then had to stop for a crap, didn't feel well and thought he was gonna be holding everyone up if he carried on so stopped only to realize there was no big hurry and ended up doing 10k after the ride. He is Scottish? Hmmmm ..... Seems slightly off but I can't be too sure as I can only understand about 30% opt what he says.
Thought we were in for a full cooked breaky which turned out anything but, so a little disappointed there since we were staying at a motel with restaurant attached. Some days I need my eggs! Am I getting to be a cranky, finicky old bastard fuss in' over stuff I shouldn't let bother me?
Ride - 110km with about 5,000ft of climbing.
Steady pace all the way with Petro, and Glen later into the wind.
Dude can motor. Reminded me a bit of uber-biker Bjporn Andersson who came along on a couple of camps. The difference is with Glen you are working solidly to stay in the vortex behind him and with Bjorn if you were silly enough to try and hang in there behind him then you were left completely spent after a few minutes gazing at the vapour trail he left behind.
Unfortunately Glenn snapped his rear derailleur at about 70km which is quite a pickle for the crew to fix since we are out there in the boonies. Perhaps tomorrow afternoon I can drive to Kamloops to get it fixed?
Douglas got another pitch flat today which is really puzzling as he weighs about as much as Chris Froome does in the off-season so how can there be any real pressure on his tires when he hits a bump???
There was a big slide on the highway getting here which held up part of the group for 20+ minutes while tractors worked to clear the road so some of us were already done with lunch by they time they arrived.
The lovely Shannon-arella drug me out for our run after an hours snooze and if she hadn't my camp completion was in jeopardy! as laying down seemed like the only thing I could conceive of doing for the rest of the day. But got it done. Thanks Shannon.
Dinner was here at this very nice motel and was very good. Once again very nice to not go far and to have dinner ready when we walked in.
We handed out jerseys for the first time and they are:
Old Farts (45+ sorry Barry.....) Petro in the lead.
KOM - Zach one point ahead - we've only had one KOM so far.
Newsom in Yellow and not looking to be charitable to anyone about giving it away.
Tomorrow is a relatively short day for camp completion.
We're riding 20km to a lake, doing a 1km warm-up swim just to make sure the distance is accurate, then doing a Tri race with a 2km swim, about 50km ride and 10km run.
Perhaps there will be some sun tomorrow afternoon but this ain't "Tan Camp" (Justin Daerr's term)!
I (along with KP) should have thought of doing a "Tan Camp" many years ago, but I guess there's still time for that.
Rooming with Petro tonight which seems a bit familiar. I know to be the first one asleep! This is his 5th Epic Camp - gonna get him a punchcard I s'pose. He seems pretty relaxed but is one connected dude. Instagram, Snapchat, text, phone, Strava, you name it - he's working' it.
I'm just the opposite - happy to be a caveman. G'nite.
Labels: Epic Camp, triathlon coaching
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